What a lovely painting. Found on Flickr by "Found Vintage Style".
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Buskie on a Sunday
This is my sweet little buskie lying on the kitchen floor, cooling her belly and probably waiting for me to make something to eat so she can look at me with her big watery brown eyes and beg for food.
I'm going to make a little natural flea remover for her (poor thing picks them up so easily in the summer). My book of natural remedies says to mix 6 drops of essential oil (citronella, thyme, or cedar wood) with either olive or sweet almond oil. I also need to buy some lavender oil.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Crafty Inspiration: Baby Rattles
Mariana bought one of these for baby Sloane at an upscale baby store on Larchmont and I'm just now getting round to uploading this pic. I just think it's adorable. Maybe I'll make decorations inspired by these little embroidered sock rattles for her upcoming baby shower....
Thursday, April 8, 2010
wooly pockets
I'm totally loving this as a design idea! We're about to buy a 27ft vintage trailer to put on our property, and I want to make it funky and cool while keeping it really vintagey. So I'm frantically scrambling to get lots of ideas. This would be awesome for the outside, even. I'm so excited!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Anyway, there's been a ton going on in my life. A TON. I was on an emotional roller coaster for the past couple of weeks. But now the light is shining brightly at the other end of the tunnel and it looks like...it looks like it's all going to be okay. And so I'm sighing a huge breath of relief.
That said! Here's something I found on Stylehive. I am dreaming of beautifying my surroundings. We have a pretty small house, and little living space for six souls to dwell in (nevermind hardly any storage space). Our vrbo on our property takes up a whole life of its own...I can't wait until those spaces get integrated into our daily living...ah, some day... But until then I just have to help my husband see the need for re-thinking our surroundings so that they're flexible, functional, and totally integrated into our lives. Which brings me to the cool couch below. I love this! Although white would never suffice with the three mutts we have crawling all over our furniture. But the shape is divine, and I'd love someday to have it or something like it in our studio.

VITTORIA , Salons , Salons , La collection - sofas - furnishing - vittoria Stylehive BM 577681 #:577681