Saturday, September 12, 2009

I don't know if everybody knows about Marie (pronounced "Mar-ee-ay") Digby yet, but I'm sure they will. She was an unknown musical talent before posting her acoustic rendition of Rihanna's "Umbrella" on youtube. This song, "Ne-yo" is also really pretty, and shows her range on the piano as well. Check it out!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I know I don't blog a lot. You know what it is? I think I'm torn. I tend to be an open-book find of a person. I definitely have a tendency to live out-loud and not hold anything back. But that's not always the best thing for me. I've been burned before. And that was not a good experience, so I have to tone it way, way down. That said, I think I can temper what I write with interesting things to share, I just tend to downgrade what I have to say sometimes as not all that interesting. I have a lot of "I wish I coulds" or "wish I had time to's". But the truth of the matter is that it's not so much that I don't have the time for them. I am just a mondo-procrastinator. This aspect about myself frustrates the hell out of me. Why do I continue to do this? Sigh.

Anyway, there's been a ton going on in my life. A TON. I was on an emotional roller coaster for the past couple of weeks. But now the light is shining brightly at the other end of the tunnel and it looks looks like it's all going to be okay. And so I'm sighing a huge breath of relief.

That said! Here's something I found on Stylehive. I am dreaming of beautifying my surroundings. We have a pretty small house, and little living space for six souls to dwell in (nevermind hardly any storage space). Our vrbo on our property takes up a whole life of its own...I can't wait until those spaces get integrated into our daily living...ah, some day... But until then I just have to help my husband see the need for re-thinking our surroundings so that they're flexible, functional, and totally integrated into our lives. Which brings me to the cool couch below. I love this! Although white would never suffice with the three mutts we have crawling all over our furniture. But the shape is divine, and I'd love someday to have it or something like it in our studio.

VITTORIA , Salons , Salons , La collection - sofas - furnishing - vittoria Stylehive BM 577681 #:577681

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Meet the new love of my life!

Welcome all to this world Jackson Thomas Elliott, my nephew, born at 8:15pm on January 27th, 2009. Mama and baby are at home doing well. She's recovering from her C-section and learning to breastfeed. Apparently it's more of a challenge than one would think. But having my baby sister go through all of this before me is a blessing cuz I'm taking lots of notes! Thank goodness for technology and digital photos and Facebook, etc., because it means I actually DO get to see my little baby boy grow up daily, even though he's in Houston and I'm in Austin.

Now the only thing to do is make sure he doesn't turn into an Aggie like his dad!



Thursday, January 15, 2009

He's coming...

Here is a photo of my cute little nephew, Jackson, who I am so excited to meet I can barely stand it. Mariana's due date is in nine days!!! I'm nervous for her, but I know it's all gonna be okay. I get to go be with her when she delivers, along with Mom and Chris. I wonder if he's going to be able to handle it. I wonder if I will! I hate seeing people in pain, and it would be awful to see her suffering. Still, I know that this is just what women do everyday. Everything will be fine.

Jackson looks like he's going to look like my sister. He definitely has her nose...a very cute one! I cannot wait to scoop that little bundle into my arms and look into his eyes. He feels like he's mine I already love him so much.

I'm just very grateful for this day....

Sunday, January 4, 2009

me posterize

me posterize, originally uploaded by mychinarose.

It's a chilly windy day here in Austin. Andrew is taking photos of a group of teen rappers in the studio next to me. I can hear waves of their music bounce through the walls. I'm sipping tea with vanilla soy milk and playing with photoshop. This photo I'm posting is one smiling photo of me that I don't hate (I think I'm really photogenically-challenged in the smiling department), but I thought I'd play with the colors a bit. I love vintage paint-by-numbers and am toying with making new art that looks like really old paint-by-numbers. I bought a few recently off of ebay to help me get inspired! I want to draw out the lines and then sell kits that people can use to re-paint the photo themselves.

Where does the day go? Got up pretty early this morning but now it's already gonna be 5 o'clock! I'm dreading the workweek ahead. I'm waaay not into my day job right now. It's going to be a challenge to get motivated.

In the meantime, Andrew and I are starting work on our screenplay. I thought it would be a good idea for us to set up a separate blog where we can upload ideas, photos, sample dialogue, backstories, etc. It can be a living, breathing rendition of the film as the story unfolds. And it'll be a way for us to communicate with each other during the day while I'm occupied with other things....

Thursday, January 1, 2009

115 to 107

I've decided to lose the extra weight I've gained in the past two years since I moved back from L.A. I went to Shape Magazine online and they have this cool tracker that figures out a plan for you based on the info you input about yourself. Here are my goals:

Pretty cool. And I like that it works out an eating and exercize plan for you for free. It includes recipes and a shopping list. I'm ready to go!
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